Butternut squash soup


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Find some escape to an encouraging bowl of pre-winter squash soup. Adding a touch of stew gives it a warming kick while crème fraîche makes it creamier

Cooking Ingredients

    1 butternut squash, around 1kg, stripped and deseeded
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 tbsp spread
    2 onions, diced
    1 garlic clove, daintily cut
    2 gentle red chillies, deseeded and finely hacked
    850ml hot vegetable stock
    4 tbsp crème fraîche, in addition to more to serve

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Heat the stove to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

    Stage 2
    Cut the squash into huge blocks, around 4cm/1½in across, then throw in an enormous cooking tin with 1 tbsp of the olive oil.

    Stage 3
    Broil for 30 mins, turning once during cooking, until brilliant and delicate.

    Stage 4
    While the butternut squash cooks, liquefy the margarine with the excess 1 tbsp olive oil in a huge pot, then, at that point, add the onions, garlic clove and 3/4 of the chillies.

    Stage 5
    Cover and cook on an exceptionally low intensity for 15-20 mins until the onions are totally delicate.

    Stage 6
    Tip the butternut squash into the container, add the stock and crème fraîche, then whizz with a stick blender until smooth. For a truly luxurious soup, put the soup into a liquidizer and rush it in groups.

    Stage 7
    Get back to the container, delicately warm, then season to taste. Serve the soup in bowls with whirls of crème fraîche and a dispersing of the leftover slashed bean stew.