Char Siu (Chinese BBQ Pork)


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Roast siu is Chinese eatery style pork with a dark red, sweet and tacky covering. Burn siu in a real sense signifies "fork dish" and alludes to the customary strategy for cooking this dish by which segments of prepared pork were speared with long forks and broiled in a covered stove or over a fire. This form utilizes pork tenderloin and is not difficult to make at home on your charcoal barbecue. Partake in the sweet and pungent taste all alone or serve it over rice or noodles.

Cooking Ingredients


    ½ cup soy sauce

    ⅓ cup honey

    ⅓ cup ketchup

    ⅓ cup earthy colored sugar

    ¼ cup Chinese rice wine

    2 tablespoons hoisin sauce

    2 tablespoons red bean curd (Discretionary)

    1 teaspoon Chinese five-flavor powder (Discretionary)


    2 (1 pound) pork tenderloins

Cooking Direction

    Mix soy sauce, honey, ketchup, earthy colored sugar, rice wine, hoisin sauce, red bean curd, and five-flavor powder together in a pot over medium-low intensity. Cook and mix until recently consolidated and somewhat warm, 2 to 3 minutes.

    In the mean time, cut every pork tenderloin longwise into 1 1/2-to 2-inch-thick strips. Place pork strips in a huge, resealable plastic pack.

    Empty marinade into the sack with the pork. Press air from the sack, seal, and turn the pack a couple of times until pork is very much covered. Marinate in the cooler, 2 hours to expedite.

    At the point when prepared to cook, preheat a charcoal barbecue for medium-high intensity and delicately oil the mesh.

    Eliminate pork from marinade and shake to eliminate overabundance fluid. Put away the leftover marinade for seasoning.

    Rake the hot coals into two equivalent heaps on inverse sides of the charcoal mesh. Add a little compartment of water to the mesh. Place pork strips in the focal point of the mesh for aberrant cooking.

    Cook pork over aberrant intensity, turning routinely and seasoning as wanted, until a moment read thermometer embedded into the middle peruses something like 145 degrees F (63 degrees C), 30 minutes or longer.