Chef John's Salmon Cakes


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I'm involving canned salmon for this heavenly salmon cakes recipe. Each supermarket conveys it, and canned salmon is quite often wild salmon. I won't go into the wild-versus-cultivated salmon discussion here, yet wild isn't just more eco-accommodating, it tastes better, and is more nutritious. You could involve new cooked salmon for this recipe assuming you have extras, yet since we are stirring this up with eggs and wafer scraps, new salmon simply isn't required, so why spend the additional money?

Cooking Ingredients

    1 (14.75 ounce) can red salmon, skin and bone eliminated, depleted and chipped

    2 eggs

    ½ lemon, squeezed

    1 tablespoon cleaved escapades

    ½ teaspoon salt

    ½ teaspoon ground dark pepper

    ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

    12 saltine wafers

    1 tablespoon bread scraps, or depending on the situation

    1 tablespoon spread

    1 tablespoon olive oil

Cooking Direction

    Mix salmon, eggs, lemon juice, escapades, salt, dark pepper, and cayenne pepper together in a bowl until very much consolidated.

    Pound saltine wafers with your hands into the salmon blend and blend well. Wrap the bowl with saran wrap and refrigerate, 30 minutes to expedite.

    Dust a plate with a portion of the bread scraps. Partition salmon combination into 4 parcels and shape into patties; place onto arranged plate and sprinkle remaining bread scraps on the salmon patties.

    Liquefy spread and oil in a huge skillet over medium intensity. Cook patties in hot oil until cooked and warmed through, around 5 minutes for every side.