Courgette, potato & cheddar soup


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This sound low-calorie soup is a delectable method for spending courgettes when they're in season. In addition it's freezable, so you can make it in summer and partake in throughout the year

Cooking Ingredients

    500g potato, unpeeled and generally hacked
    2 vegetable stock 3D squares
    1kg courgettes, generally hacked
    pack spring onion, cut - save 1 for serving, if consuming straight
    100g extra-mature cheddar or veggie lover elective, ground, in addition to some extra to serve
    great grinding new nutmeg, in addition to extra to serve

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Put the potatoes in a huge container with barely enough water to cover them and disintegrate in the stock blocks. Bring to the bubble, then cover and cook for 5 mins. Add the courgettes, set the top back on and cook for 5 mins more. Toss in the spring onions, cover and cook for a last 5 mins.

    Stage 2
    Remove the intensity, then, at that point, mix in the cheddar and season with the nutmeg, salt and pepper. Whizz to a thick soup, adding more heated water until you get the consistency you like. Serve dispersed with extra ground cheddar, spring onions and nutmeg or pepper. Or on the other hand cool and freeze in cooler sacks or compartments with great covers for as long as 90 days.