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Elinor keeps a little run of unfenced guinea hens in Katonah. They are phenomenal guardians, assuming the consideration of child chicks deserted by the relentless chickens in her rush. One year, we requested 20-day-old guinea hen chicks, yet when they showed up, they didn't seem to be guinea hens by any stretch of the imagination. We put them in the coop and following a month and a half, when they actually didn't seem to be guinea hens, we chose to eat them. Edward killed a couple and they were great. . . anything they were. However, after that first dinner, at whatever point Edward got back to the coop, the grown-up guineas would go off the deep end, cackling at him and running about. At the point when he went to butcher a couple more, the developed hens made such a horrible upheaval that Edward acknowledged they didn't believe he should kill the youthful birds, thus he opened the coop and let them join the remainder of the group. The grown-ups grouped the chicks and took them out, and they've dealt with them from that point onward. Accordingly, the hens utilized in this recipe were purchased at the meat market.

Cooking Ingredients

    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 3 tablespoons hacked pancetta or Canadian bacon
    • 3 tablespoons hacked prosciutto
    • 1 guinea hen (2½ to 3 lbs), cut into serving pieces
    • 6 garlic cloves, with skins on
    • Salt and newly ground dark pepper
    • 1 tablespoon squashed dried rosemary
    • 1 little onion, finely hacked
    • 3/4 cup dry Marsala wine
    • 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
    • 10 chestnuts, split and bubbled for 5 minutes, with shells and skins eliminated
    • 2 tablespoons tomato glue

Cooking Direction

    • Headings
    • Heat the oil in an enormous skillet over medium intensity.
    • Add the pancetta and prosciutto.
    • Cover and cook for around 3 minutes, then, at that point, add the guinea hen pieces, skin side down.
    • Add the garlic and salt and pepper to taste and cook, revealed, for 5 minutes.
    • Turn the pieces over, add the rosemary and onion, and cook until the hen is gently sautéed, around 25 minutes.
    • Add the wine and marjoram.
    • Cover and heat to the point of boiling.
    • Add the chestnuts and tomato glue, blending to integrate the glue into the wine.
    • Decrease the intensity to medium-low, cover, and cook for 20 minutes more.
    • Add some warm water or warm chicken stock in the event that the dish looks dry.