Healthy seafood pasta recipe


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Be moved to a beachside eatery with a bowl of speedy and simple fish pasta that is overflowing with supplements

Cooking Ingredients

    2 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil
    1 little fennel bulb (160g), divided and meagerly cut
    1 onion (160g), finely cleaved
    150g wholemeal spaghetti
    2 enormous portions of bean stew chips
    3 garlic cloves, finely ground
    1⁄2 lemon, zested, in addition to 2 tbsp juice
    3 tbsp tomato purée
    300g frozen blended fish (we utilized a combination of prawns, mussels and squid rings), thawed out
    3 tbsp slashed parsley

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Heat the oil in a huge non-stick container and cook the fennel and onion for 10 mins, blending periodically until mellowed. In the interim, carry a container of water to the bubble and cook the spaghetti for 10 mins until still somewhat firm.

    Stage 2
    At the point when the fennel and onion blend has mellowed, mix in the bean stew drops, garlic, lemon zing and juice. Add the tomato purée and cook momentarily, blending constantly.

    Stage 3
    Channel the pasta, saving a mugful (around 250ml) of the cooking water. Mix the fish into the pureed tomatoes and warm through. Throw the spaghetti into the sauce with the parsley and barely enough of the saved cooking water to relax. Season and serve.