Moroccan-spiced turkey pie


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Change extra turkey in this flavored filo baked good bundle, motivated by a Moroccan pastilla - an ideal fundamental course for Boxing Day

Cooking Ingredients

    • 2 tsp coriander seeds
    • 2 tsp cumin seeds
    • spot of ground cinnamon
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 2 aubergines, cut into little dice
    • 2 banana shallots, divided and cut
    • 2 tbsp harissa
    • 2 peppers (any tones will do), deseeded and diced
    • 227g can cleaved tomatoes
    • 1 chicken stock block
    • 500g extra turkey (a blend of leg and bosom is ideal), slashed
    • 100g margarine, softened, in addition to extra for lubing
    • 250g pack (around 10 enormous sheets) filo baked good
    • 25g chipped almonds

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Heat an enormous non-stick container over a medium intensity and toast the coriander and cumin seeds for 1-2 mins until fragrant. Add the cinnamon, olive oil, aubergine and shallots. Coat the veg in the flavors and cook on a medium-low intensity for around 10 mins until the aubergine has relaxed marginally.

    Stage 2
    Add the harissa and peppers. Give everything a decent mix, then add the tomatoes and disintegrate over the stock solid shape. Stew, uncovered, for 20 mins until the veg is delicate and the blend is quite thick.

    Stage 3
    Mix through the turkey meat and season well. Put away to cool.

    Stage 4
    Heat broiler to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and oil a 23cm springform tin with just enough spread. Lay two sheets of filo over the foundation of the tin and brush with the dissolved spread. Get over one more two layers of filo and brush again with spread. Yet again rehash, then, at that point, put the cooled filling in the middle. Utilizing the leftover four baked good sheets, cover the filling and brush with more softened margarine. Scrunch the highest point of the pie together and heat for 30-35 mins.

    Stage 5
    Eliminate from the broiler and dissipate the pie with the chipped almonds. Cook for a last 10 mins until the pie is brilliant and steaming hot. Serve straight away.