One-pan duck with Savoy cabbage


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Duck bosom is ideally suited for engaging - it's not difficult to cook, promptly accessible, yet not something you eat consistently

Cooking Ingredients

    • 2 duck bosoms
    • 1 tsp dark peppercorns, squashed
    • 600g cooked new potato, thickly cut
    • bundle level leaf parsley, generally cleaved
    • 1 garlic clove, finely cleaved
    • 6 rashers smoked dirty bacon, cleaved
    • 1 Savoy cabbage, managed, quartered, cored and finely cut
    • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 2 tbsp olive oil

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Softly score the skin of the duck bosoms, then liberally season with the peppercorns and a sprinkling of salt. Lay the duck bosoms, skin-side down, in a non-stick sauté dish, then, at that point, place over a low intensity. Pass on the duck for 15 mins to brown and delivery its fat, then, at that point, flip over onto the tissue side for 5 mins.

    Stage 2
    Eliminate the duck from the skillet, then turn up the intensity. Add the potatoes to the skillet, sear until brown and fresh, then, at that point, disperse over the parsley and garlic. Scoop out with an opened spoon onto a plate, then, at that point, season with salt.

    Stage 3
    Keep the skillet on the intensity. Sear the bacon until fresh, then add the cabbage. Cook for 1 min, add a sprinkle of water, then, at that point, broil for 2 mins, just until the cabbage is withered. While the cabbage is cooking, whisk any juices from the duck with the vinegar and olive oil. To serve, cut the duck bosom into cuts. Fan out on enormous supper plates, spoon a perfect heap of cabbage on one side, then heap a serving of potatoes on the other. Sprinkle over the dressing and serve.