Pan-fried chicken in mushroom sauce


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Smooth chicken and mushroom dish - a remarkable French occasional recipe

Cooking Ingredients

    2 tbsp sunflower oil
    6 enormous, unfenced chicken legs, divided at the joint so you have 6 thighs and 6 drumsticks
    700ml/1¼ pts chicken stock (or water)
    50g margarine
    1 onion, finely diced
    400g blended wild mushrooms
    300ml/½ pt dry white wine
    284ml pot twofold cream

Cooking Direction

    Stage 1
    Heat the oil in an enormous non-stick skillet. Sear the thighs for 8-10 mins, skin side just, until brilliant brown, then, at that point, move to a goulash dish. Broil the drumsticks for around 5 mins each side and add them to the thighs.

    Stage 2
    Pour the stock over the chicken legs in the goulash. There ought to be sufficient stock to simply cover the chicken, in the event that not add a little water. Carry stock to the bubble and cover, leaving top marginally partially open. Cook at just underneath stewing point for 30-35 mins until chicken is cooked.

    Stage 3
    While chicken is stewing, channel oil from the container. Heat the margarine in skillet and add onion. Sweat onion for 5 mins until delicate, yet all at once not hued. Turn up the intensity, add the mushrooms, then fry for 3 mins until they relax and begin to smell magnificent. Pour over the white wine, raise the intensity to greatest and bubble quickly for 6-8 mins until diminished by 66%. Switch off the intensity and leave until chicken has cooked.

    Stage 4
    When chicken legs are cooked, strain stock into skillet with the onion, mushrooms and white wine, take back to the bubble and decrease again by 66% until it is thick and sweet. Pour in twofold cream, carry it to the bubble, season in the event that you need, pour it over chicken. Heat chicken through in the sauce for 2-3 mins then switch off the intensity and leave for a couple of mins prior to serving. This is a particularly sweet-smelling and lovely looking dish you ought to serve it directly from the meal with the cover on.