Salmon Fried Rice Recipe

Fish Recipes

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Utilizing extra rice pilaf or cold white rice makes this one-dish extra salmon broiled rice recipe a snap to arrange on a bustling work night. While it calls for canned salmon, you can likewise utilize extra salmon filets. Add frozen peas and some other vegetables you like to adjust everything out. A wok works best, however you can make it in a skillet, as well.

Cooking Ingredients

    • 3 tablespoons olive oil

    • 2 to 3 cups leftover rice pilaf, or cold cooked rice

    • 1 (7-ounce) can red salmon, drained

    • 1 cup frozen baby peas

    • 2 large eggs, beaten

    • 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce

Cooking Direction

    1. Accumulate the fixings.
    2. In weighty skillet or wok over medium-high intensity, heat olive oil. Cautiously add the extra rice pilaf or cold cooked rice and pan fried food for a couple of moments to warm.
    3. Add salmon and frozen peas; pan sear for 3 to 5 minutes until peas are hot. Push blend to sides of skillet or wok and add beaten eggs.
    4. Scramble eggs until recently set, then, at that point, mix eggs into rice blend. Sprinkle with soy sauce and sautéed food for one more little while, then serve.